Blog Culture

A Famous Chinese Poem About Mother’s Love

There are many great artworks about mothers’ love. However, when Chinese people try to express their love for their moms, they always think about one poem: 游子吟 ( yóu zǐ yín ) (A Wanderer’s Song). This famous poem was written by 孟郊 ( mèng jiāo ) from the Tang dynasty. 

Blog Culture

Chinese Idioms and Sayings about Chickens

If you have been learning Mandarin Chinese for some time, I hope you learned something about the Chinese zodiac already. If not, please read the Chinese zodiac to get some basic knowledge.

Blog Culture

Chinese Sayings and Quotes about Health

In this post, I am going to talk about popular Chinese sayings and quotes about health. For Chinese sayings about life widsom, please read this post: 8 Chinese Sayings That Can Change Your Life.

Blog Culture

Chinese Classic Poem: New Year’s Day 元日

In this post, we are going to appreciate a famous poem 元日 ( yuán rì ) New Year’s Day written by 王安石 ( wáng ān shí ). 王安石 was a very accomplished man during his time. He was a famous writer, scholar and politician.

Blog Culture

Ten Common Chinese Sayings and Idioms about Dogs

Do you know 2018 is the year of dog in Chinese culture? In this post, I am going to talk about something interesting about dogs.