Blog Opinions

Your Child Doesn’t Want to Learn Mandarin Chinese? Read This.

In my post: How to Raise a Bilingual Child, I shared some ideas about how to help your child develop interest in learning a second language.

In this post, I will talk specifically about how to have your child learn Mandarin Chinese if Mandarin Chinese is the language you wish your child to learn.

Blog Opinions

How to Homeschool Mandarin Chinese

In my post: How to Raise a Bilingual Child, I shared some ideas about how to help a child learn a second language. In this post, I will talk about how to teach a kid Mandarin Chinese at home.

Blog Opinions

Why I Set Up a Mandarin Chinese Moms Club

If you try to raise a bilingual child, you might know the importance of a playdate. I have a post talking about this topic: How to Set Up a Playdate for Learning Mandarin Chinese.

However, before you set up a playdate, you have to know some parents first. In  this topic, I am going to share my experience about how to set up a parents club.

Blog Opinions

How to Raise a Bilingual Child

Being bilingual is one of the best gifts we can give our children. Luckily, more and more parents start to realize the benefits of raising bilingual children.

In this post, I will share some tips to help parents, especially parents who don’t speak the second language themselves.