Blog Opinions

How to Have Your Child Learn Mandarin Chinese

As we know, having a child learn Mandarin Chinese in English speaking environment is a tough job. Especially, when a child is getting old, he starts to be more resistant to learn Mandarin Chinese.

Many parents feel frustrated with this issue and don’t know how to do.

Blog Culture

How to Celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival

Autumn Festival (中秋节 ) (zhōng qiū jié ) or Moon Festival is coming.

In case some of you don’t know, Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated on August 15 Chinese year, however the date varies on western year.

Autumn Festival is one of the most important Chinese holidays. There are various stories about the origin of this festival.

Blog Opinions

How to Choose a Nice Chinese Name

In this post, I am going to talk about how to come up with a nice Chinese name.

There is a Chinese saying: 入乡随俗 ( rù xiāng suí sú ). It means: Follow the customs where you live. If you live in Chinese speaking areas, having a Chinese name is always a good idea.

Blog Opinions

Bilingual. Trilingual. How Many Languages Are Enough?

The world is changing. These days, more and more parents are interested in raising bilingual and even trilingual children.

Some parents are more ambitious. They wish their children learn as many languages as possible.

Blog Opinions

How to Set Up a Playdate for Learning Mandarin Chinese

If you are my reader for some time, you might know, I mentioned several times in my different posts that a playdate is a nice way to help your kid’s Mandarin Chinese learning.