In this post, we are going to appreciate another beautiful Chinese classic poem by 孟浩然(Meng, Haoran). If you often visit my blog, you might read another poem by this author already: Chinese Poetry Tang Poem: Spring Dawn.

This poem talked about the author’s one trip staying at a hotel close to Jiande river . As we know, back to that time, people took boats for long travels. In this poem, the author described a beautiful scene he saw during the stay, at the same time, he shared his feeling as a traveler.
移舟泊烟渚:The boat stopped at a small smoky island. 移: move; 舟: boat; 泊: stop; 烟: smoke, fume; 渚: a small island.
日暮客愁新:It was getting dark, the traveler (here it means the author) started to have some new worry. 日: sun; 暮: sunset, evening; 客: guest, 愁: worry; 新: new.
野旷天低树: Looked at the vast plain, the sky in the far away looked even lower than the trees. 野: plain, field; 旷: vast; 天: sky; 低: low; 树: tree.
江清月近人:Looked at the river, the river was so clean, the moon in the river looked so close to the people. 江: river; 清: clean; 月: moon; 近: close; 人: people, person.
From this short poem, we readers not only got a beautiful painting but also felt the author’s sentimental feeling as a lonely traveler. What a well written classic work!
As I mentioned times, if you really wish to get the beauty of Chinese culture and literature, I strongly suggest you read these best classic poems. If you wish to learn more, please read other posts I wrote.
Now let’s read together to appreciate this poem.