Blog Opinions

Why I Set Up a Mandarin Chinese Moms Club

If you try to raise a bilingual child, you might know the importance of a playdate. I have a post talking about this topic: How to Set Up a Playdate for Learning Mandarin Chinese.

However, before you set up a playdate, you have to know some parents first. In  this topic, I am going to share my experience about how to set up a parents club.

Blog Language

Chinese Children’s Song: Ten Little Friends

We will sing a song in Mandarin Chinese: ten little friends (十个小朋友)(shi2 ge4 xiao3 peng2 you3).

If you don’t know how to count numbers in Mandarin-Chinese, you have to learn number song first, then come back to learn this song.

Blog Culture

Chinese Tang Poem: On the Stork Tower

We will appreciate a Mandarin-Chinese Tang poem written by 王之涣( wáng,zhī huàn ): 登鹳雀楼( dēng guàn què lóu ).

Blog Language

Chinese Song Happy Birthday

I will teach you this simple but beautiful song: happy birthday to you(祝你生日快乐)(zhu4 ni3 sheng1 ri4 kuai4 le4) in Mandarin-Chinese.

Next time, you can sing this beautiful song in both English and Mandarin-Chinese at your family or friend’s birthday party.

Blog Culture

Chinese Idiom Story: Mother Meng Relocated Three Times

This history story is about Mother Meng. Her son, Mencius(孟子) (meng4 zi3), was a famous educator, philosopher and politician in Chinese history during Warring states period.