Blog Culture

5 Chinese Wisdoms You Had Better Know Before You Are 30

As you might know, Chinese people are very proud of the long history and culture. In this post, I am going to talk about 5 Chinese wisdoms a young person had better know before he turns 30.

Blog Culture

How Chinese Parents Educate Children? These Sayings Are the Answer.

Asian Chinese children are well known to have excellent academic performance. To be honest, it is not true all the time. However, many Chinese parents do follow ancient Chinese wisdom to raise their children.

In this post, I will explain some Chinese sayings related with parenting to give you a glimpse about how Chinese parents think about education and how we educate our children.

Blog Culture

8 Most Famous Confucius Quotes in English and Chinese

No doubt. Confucius is the most famous Chinese person all the time. As a great educator, philosopher and writer, Confucius is highly respected in Chinese culture. We respect Confucius for his wisdom and contributions on various fields.

Through translation, Confucius’s thoughts were wildly known in the rest of the world including English speaking countries and areas.

Blog Culture

Chinese Ancient Poem: Painting

We will appreciate a Chinese ancient poem: painting (画 ) (hua4).  

It was said the title “painting” was not the original title of this poem . People found this poem on a painting, so they gave the poem the title “painting”.