Blog Culture

Chinese Tang Poem: On Youzhou Tower

In this post we are going to learn another famous Chinese Tang poem written by poet Cheng, Zi’ang.

As I mentioned in my former posts, learning Chinese classic works including Tang poems is a great way to learn Chinese characters as well as Chinese culture.

Blog Culture

Chinese Tang Poem: Weeding the Cereal Crops 锄禾

If you are my reader for some time, you might know I like introducing Tang poems on my blog for two reasons.

1, Tang poem is an important part of Chinese culture and language; 2, Reading Tang poem is a good way to learn Chinese characters.

Blog Culture

My Favorite Chinese Love Poem(2) The Pledge

If you read my post My Favorite Chinese Love Poem (1): the Yangtze love, I hope you enjoy this beautiful love poem as I do.

In this post, I am going to share another of my favorite love poems. This love poem is written in Han dynasty about 2000 years ago.

Blog Culture

Chinese Poetry Tang Poem: Grasses

When you think of spring, which imagine jumps into your mind in the first place? For me, it is green grasses.

Today we are going to appreciate a tang poem: grasses (草) written by the poet 白居易(Bai2, Ju1yi4). This poem praised the life strength of grass.