Blog Culture

Chinese Tang Poem: On Youzhou Tower

In this post we are going to learn another famous Chinese Tang poem written by poet Cheng, Zi’ang.

As I mentioned in my former posts, learning Chinese classic works including Tang poems is a great way to learn Chinese characters as well as Chinese culture.

Blog Culture

Chinese Tang Poem: Quiet Night Thoughts

In this post, we are going to learn another famous Tang poem ” Quiet Night Thoughts” (静夜思) ( jìng yè sī ) written by the poet Li, Bai (李白) ( lǐ bái).

If you wish to learn more Tang poems, please search on this website with keyword “Tang poem” or check out Tang poem play list on WenJunior Education YouTube Channel.

Blog Course Language

How to Say I Love You in Mandarin Chinese

In my posts: My Favorite Chinese Love Poem (1) and My favorite Chinese Love Poem (2),  we appreciated two classic Chinese love poems.

 However, do you know how to say “I love you” in Mandarin Chinese?
Blog Culture

My Favorite Chinese Love Poem(2) The Pledge

If you read my post My Favorite Chinese Love Poem (1): the Yangtze love, I hope you enjoy this beautiful love poem as I do.

In this post, I am going to share another of my favorite love poems. This love poem is written in Han dynasty about 2000 years ago.

Blog Culture

Chinese Ancient Poem: Painting

We will appreciate a Chinese ancient poem: painting (画 ) (hua4).  

It was said the title “painting” was not the original title of this poem . People found this poem on a painting, so they gave the poem the title “painting”.