Blog Opinions

Bilingual. Trilingual. How Many Languages Are Enough?

The world is changing. These days, more and more parents are interested in raising bilingual and even trilingual children.

Some parents are more ambitious. They wish their children learn as many languages as possible.

Blog Opinions

How to Set Up a Playdate for Learning Mandarin Chinese

If you are my reader for some time, you might know, I mentioned several times in my different posts that a playdate is a nice way to help your kid’s Mandarin Chinese learning.

Blog Culture

Chinese Tang Poem: On Youzhou Tower

In this post we are going to learn another famous Chinese Tang poem written by poet Cheng, Zi’ang.

As I mentioned in my former posts, learning Chinese classic works including Tang poems is a great way to learn Chinese characters as well as Chinese culture.

Blog Language

Let’s Learn Shapes in Mandarin Chinese Through Singing

In this post, we are going to learn shapes in Mandarin Chinese. I wish to teach my kids shapes through singing but can’t find a right song for this purpose, so I decided to create a song by myself.

Blog Language

Chinese Children’s Song——Row Row Row Your Boat

In my last post, we learned a well known Children’s song: Marry Had a Little Lamb.

In this post, we are going to learn another popular children’s song: 划小船. It is a Chinese version of the English kids’ song “Row Row Row Your Boat”.