Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Stars might be one of the most famous songs in the world, no wonder, there was a Chinese version many years ago.
The Chinese title of this song is 小星星 (xiao3 xing1 xing1) (little stars).
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Stars might be one of the most famous songs in the world, no wonder, there was a Chinese version many years ago.
The Chinese title of this song is 小星星 (xiao3 xing1 xing1) (little stars).
We will appreciate a Chinese ancient poem: painting (画 ) (hua4).
It was said the title “painting” was not the original title of this poem . People found this poem on a painting, so they gave the poem the title “painting”.
Before we talk about basic rules for reading Chinese characters, we have to know a bit about how Chinese characters are formed.
Generally, there are four main forms of Chinese characters.
We will sing a song in Mandarin Chinese: ten little friends (十个小朋友)(shi2 ge4 xiao3 peng2 you3).
If you don’t know how to count numbers in Mandarin-Chinese, you have to learn number song first, then come back to learn this song.
We will appreciate a Mandarin-Chinese Tang poem written by 王之涣( wáng,zhī huàn ): 登鹳雀楼( dēng guàn què lóu ).